jueves, 30 de octubre de 2014

Kolb's learning cycle

Hi my name is KATHERINE HERRERA, this is my blog. In this first post I will discuss Kolb's learning cycle. I am attentive to your comments, Blessings

3 comentarios:

  1. This is a nice start for your blog. As I mentioned in Bogota, you are free to choose your own topics, but I suggest you blog once a week. If you are missing themes, here is a suggestion:

    Task 2 in my contact day materials calls for a team discussion about distance period activities. This should be done using free-to-use images (e.g. Creative Commons) to make e.g. A comic strip, slidecast etc., which you could then embed in your blog and write a post around it.

    Of the different gadgets you could add, I'd want to add the translate-gadget. That way it would be easy for me to follow your blog, even if you occasionally write in Spanish!

    Best regards

  2. Hello Katherine,
    This is a promising start but you need to proceed with pending tasks for module 2 if you want to receive the certificate of attendance. Apart from the 2 main tasks, you also need to post the reflections and take aways from the collective mind map. Please, try and complete all the remaining tasks today (before next week). Bw David

  3. Kolb identified two major dimensions of learning: the perception and processing. He said that learning is the result of the way people perceive and then process what they have perceived.

      He described two opposite types of perception:

    persons receiving through concrete experience,
    and persons perceived through abstract conceptualization (and generalizations).
      As I was exploring the differences in processing, Kolb also found examples of both ends:

    some people processed through active experimentation (the implementation of the implications of concepts in new situations)
    while other through reflective observation.
      The juxtaposition of the two ways of perceiving and processing the two forms is prompting Kolb to describe a four-quadrant model to explain learning styles.

    involved entirely without prejudice to situations that are submitted,
    achieve reflect on those experiences and perceive from various approaches,
    generate concepts and integrate their observations logically sound theories,
    eses be able to use theories to make decisions and solve proble
