martes, 19 de mayo de 2015


                                               DROP OUT RATHE


The dropout is an educational problem affecting development society at all levels, occurs mainly by lack of resources economic, for lack of a life plan, by family disintegration and close social situations students. According to the Ministry of Education National -MEN-, truancy is defined as "the abandonment of the system I School by students, led by a combination of factors generated both within the system and in contexts of social, familial, Individual and environment "(MEN, he updated: Friday, July 6, 2012).  

In different SENA training centers, high dropout rates, which are measured from studies presented ,. Its main causes are reasons of work, economic situation, changes of residence, low academic achievement, personal and family situations, health, lack of food assistance, invisible barriers and social conflicts, in some cases with unknown origin. These issues are mostly common in some of the investigations that have been made over time and have remained in their respective reports on the events that cause dropout.